Sunday 12 October 2014

Insurgent and Allegiant (part of the Divergent series)

So I've finished the Divergent trilogy... *WARNING* SPOILERS UP AHEAD!

The second book, Insurgent, was rather good. It was exciting and compelling and I just had to keep reading. But, as I predicted, it contained a lot more 'lovey-dovey' scenes between Beatrice and Tobias. However, they didn't annoy me as much as I thought because I was too preoccupied with the story as a whole. There were some really good surprises within the plot and the story line itself was a good progression from what happens in the first book. At the end of Insurgent there was an even bigger cliffhanger than in Divergent (well in my opinion anyway) and I was even more eager to start reading the last in the series...

The last book, Allegiant, was also brilliant but extremely emotional.
The book answered a lot of questions that were left hanging in the first and second books. But the ending took a lot out of me because (and this is where you need to stop reading if you don't want to spoil the ending)....Beatrice dies!

After reading some reviews of Allegiant online, I realised that Beatrice's death was written in a  very plausible way and that it fit well within the whole plot of the series. I think that because she is one of my favourite female characters (see previous Divergent blog entry) I took her death rather hard and it angered me. But at the same time, with the amount of risks that she took and the danger that she got herself into, it was just a matter of time before she ended up getting killed. The end of the book was written in a way that allowed both the characters and the reader to gain some closure over the events and deaths that had occurred, so even though I was sad, I smiled a little when I finally finished the book.

All in all, I have to say that even though I thoroughly enjoyed these books they did disappoint me a little. I thought that Divergent was amazing and so I had high expectations for the rest of the series, and after completing the series I feel like these expectations were not met. But having said that, I did really enjoy reading these books and I think that they contain a wonderful and exciting plot.

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