Thursday 22 January 2015

Reading Challenge Update

As it’s still January I think I’m still allowed to fill you in on my progress with my personal reading challenge. I don’t know if you remember, but two years ago (2013), I decided to record all the books I read in that year. At the end of the year I had managed to read 44 books. Last year (2014) I repeated the challenge with the aim to improve on the number of books I read. And I managed it because I read 53!

I guess neither 44 or 53 is an exceptionally great amount to be proud of, especially since I am a self-confessed literary addict (it would be more impressive if I had read several hundred, but I haven’t, so there). But, in my defense, being at university for 40 weeks of the year really doesn’t give me enough time for reading. I’ve also noticed that most of the books on my list were read during the holidays because I have more free time and can spend it with my nose in a book.

For the last year now, I have been setting myself little monthly goals. I try to read at least one book a month and I set time aside to read at least one chapter every day. This makes sure that I don’t get too swamped with work and that I give myself the chance to relax. I used to read every night before bed, but lately I’ve been way too tired for that. Now I just try to read between classes. So if I have a class that ends at 15.15 and one that begins at 16.00 that gives me 45 minutes to read, and I can get through quite a few pages in 45 minutes.

I hope to continue with recording all the books I read in the year because even if I don’t manage to beat my record from the previous year, I still enjoy looking over all the books I've read and thinking about how good (or bad) they were. And if that makes me a nerdy sad-o, so be it! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I barely manage to read about a dozen a year (and yeah, I read most of them during the holidays, too...) I should do like you and set aside a little time every day! :)
